- Windows Server 2012 captures the experience Microsoft has gained from building and operating public clouds to deliver a highly dynamic, available, and cost-effective server platform for your datacenter and your private cloud
- It offers businesses and hosting providers a scalable, dynamic, and multitenant-aware cloud infrastructure that connects more securely across premises and allows IT to respond to business needs faster and more efficiently
- Windows Server 2012 is an open, scalable, and elastic web and application platform
- For distributed and mobile workforces, Windows Server 2012 empowers IT to help to their personalized work environment from virtually anywhere
- Whether you are an enterprise, a small or medium-sized business, or a hosting provider, Windows Server 2012 will help you cloud optimize your IT
Windows Server 2012 är byggd med utgångspunkt i molnet och kommer kunna utnyttja fördelarna med de olika leveransformerna, publika moln, outsourcing/hosting och egen drift för respektive system.