Elo's 2495L 23.8-inch interactive open frame delivers the sleek design the 90-Series is known for with outstanding brightness. At almost 3x brighter than the 2494L, the brilliant 2495L TouchPro PCAP display offers edge-to-edge glass for ease of integration and up to 10 touches for a tablet-like experience. Elo's open frames can be mounted in landscape, portrait, and face-up orientations providing optimal flexibility for integrating in any table, kiosk, or cabinet design. Whether viewing straight on or at an angle, close-up or from a distance, our open frames offer what you need while maintaining optimal clarity and the viewing experience you want to deliver.
With proven Elo expertise and built-in reliability, the industrial-grade display provides outstanding image clarity and light transmissivity, as well as stable, drift-free operation for accurate touch responses. Elo's open frames offer the versatility needed for commercial kiosk applications from industrial automation and gaming to self-service and retail.