- Stödjer A3-dokumentstorlekar
- Skannar upp till 5000 sidor per dag
- CMOS optisk sensor med 13 000 000 pixlar
- Inbyggda LED-lampor för bättre synlighet
- USB-driven för enkel anslutning
There is no question that more processes than ever are digital, and those that are not soon will be. Think about it for a minute. Banking and retail shopping online has been around for some time, but digitization has taken everyone even further in recent years. You can now order groceries from your couch and have them delivered to your door! If you haven't digitized, now is the time, and IRIScan Desk 6 Pro Document scanner will definitively help you get there. With its exclusive IRIS design, users can expect unsurpassed versatility. Incredible features such as innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and video capabilities make it the most efficient A3 document scanning solution on the market!